F. Gregg Bemis Jr
After graduating from Stanford University with an Economics major in
1950, Mr. Bemis spent two years on active duty with the Unites States
Marine Corps including a one year stint in Korea. Upon his return he
graduated from the Harvard Business School following which he served,
during the next 25 years, in the top management of three Fortune 500
companies. Between each of these corporate tours of duty, he was
actively engaged in Venture Capital operations, including founding his
own ocean related venture fund which was his original involvement in the
Lusitania project starting in 1968.
For 20 years, he has served as Chairman of The Ocean Corporation, a
leading school for commercial divers; currently serves as Chairman of
Deep Ocean Engineering, the largest producer of ROVs in the world;
serves as Chairman of Precision Remotes Inc. a designer of sophisticated
weaponry; and also actively participates in several other business