Johan Candert
The Refugee Wrecks of WWII
Johan Candert was the first Trimix and Cave instructor in Scandinavia. Worked with education and exploration during mid nineties through 2002. As part of Deep Sea Productions Johan has explored and discovered several known wrecks such as, the Champagne wreck "Jönköping", the Russian submarines S7 and S8, Sala Silvermine, the German merchant ship August Thyssen and the German refugee wreck General von Steuben.
Johan has a masters degree from University College of Film, Radio, Television and Theatre - Dramatiska Institutet - in Stockholm. As a film maker Johan has directed several films related to the wrecks and history such as, King's Carvel (SVT 2001), The House of Warriors (SVT 2002), The Last Journey of the DC-3 (SVT 2004), It's time to get up…(SVT 2006).